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Ofreció la Lulac una Tamalada
Article announcing that LULAC Council 2 held their annual tamalada. More than 50 members of LULAC, visitors and guests attended. The article lists the names of the attendees. -
Hoy en la tarde habrá confirmaciones en catedral
Various local notes related to travellers. Jesús M. Chapa traveled to San Antonio from Mercedes, Texas on LULAC-related business. -
Nuevo concilio de la LULAC quedó instalando en Poteet
Article reporting the creation of a new LULAC council in Poteet, Texas. The article lists the names of the members. -
Gran festival en la escuela "S. Lanier"
Article about the Armistice festival, organized by LULAC Council 2 and LULAC's Auxiliar Femenino [Women's Auxilary]. LULAC has invited the mothers of soldiers who died in World War I, the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and other organizations, as well as Latino veterans and their families. All proceeds earned from this festival will fund nutrition classes in Rio Grande City schools. The article lists names of organizers and participants. -
Rio Grande City repartición de leche a los escolares
Article reporting that the Red Cross, Masons, and Knights of Columbus worked together to donate milk to school children as they are underweight and lack nutrients. LULAC is preparing a festival to celebarate the Armistice and the money earned from that event will be donated to children in need. -
Pharr, Texas
Various local notes for Pharr, Texas, including one reporting that the local LULAC Council 6 joined the Mission, Texas council to celebrate Dia de la Raza. -
Convención de la LULAC en Seguin
Article reporting a Seguin, Texas LULAC convention with 400 attendees. The county sheriff declared the day to be LULAC Day and a city commissioner presented the key to the city to the LULAC master of ceremonies, Manuel C. González. The group helped organize a local Asociación de padres y maestros latino-americanos [Latin American Association of Parents and Teachers]. The article lists some of the LULAC leaders in attendance as well as the elected officials of the newly-created parent-teacher association. -
Convenciones de la LULAC
Article reporting that LULAC held three regional conventions in Brownsville, San Antonio, and Del Rio, Texas. The San Antonio convention included musical performances and speeches on the work of LULAC, Mexicans who have contributed to Texas history, and issues related to children and youths. The article lists people in attendance and the San Antonio program. -
Los esposos Perales van a Managua, Nicaragua
Article announcing that Alonso S. Perales and his wife [Marta Pérez de Perales] will visit Managua, Nicaragua. Perales, commissioned by the US government as Consul to Nicaragua to serve in the American Electoral Mission, will observe the presidential and congressional elections. Before the trip, a banquet was held to honor Perales at the Carta Blanca restaurant. The article includes a transcript of his speech. -
Convenciones regionales de la LULAC
Article announcing a regional LULAC convention at the Sidney Lanier school in San Antonio during which delegates will discuss issues that affect Mexican Americans, as well as LULAC scholarships for students graduating from high school in Texas. There will also be another LULAC convention in Brownsville in which attendees will discuss cultural labor.