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El "LULAC" fue vencido anoche por 31 a 18
Article describing the basketball game between the women's LULAC team and What Next. LULAC lost 31 to 18. Various players are named: Berta Aldrete, Pauline González, Mary González, margarita González, Sussie Morales, Blanche Enderle, Beatriz Vega, and Minerva Osterveen. -
Hoy Habra Juegos De Basket Ball Femeninos
Article announcing two forthcoming Liga Femenina Hispanoamericana [Hispanic American Women's League] basketball games: Orquídea versus LULAC and What Next versus Tuesday Night. -
Notable Jugadora
Newspaper photograph of Berta Alderte, the captain of the LULAC women's basketball team and forward, who has accumulated the most points.. -
Ocupan el primer lugar en la Liga F. Hispano-Americana de Basket
Newspaper photograph of the undefeated LULAC women's basketball team with the players' names. -
El "Tuesday Night" obtiene su decimoséptimo triunfo
Article reporting that over 400 people attended the basketball games. The Tuesday Night women's team won their 17th game. -
Juegos de basket en la cancha del Lago Woodlawn
Article announcing two forthcoming basketball games: Amado Nervo versus Troyanos and Tuesday Night versus Chapultepec. -
Juegos de basket en la cancha del Lago Woodlawn
Article announcing multiple baskeball games at Woodlawn Lake. The Amado Nervo and Troyanos teams will play first. Tuesday Night and Chapultepec will play second. -
Brillante jugadora
Photograph and brief article about Berta Alderte, the captain of the LULAC women's basketball team. She has accumalted 89 points for the LULAC women's basketball team, making her one of the best players in San Antonio. -
Otro triunfo del equipo femenino del "Lulac"
Article that describes the LULAC women's basketball team's win. -
Juegos para hoy de la Liga femenino de Basket
Article announcing upcoming Liga Femenina Hispanoamericana de Basketball [Hispanic Women's Basketball League] games between Club Orquídea and What Next, followed by Tuesday Night and LULAC.