To Mrs. W.W. Dees, State Director General, Pan American Round Tables, From Alonso S. Perales, Jan. 31, 1939
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To Mrs. W.W. Dees, State Director General, Pan American Round Tables, From Alonso S. Perales, Jan. 31, 1939
PERALES, Alonso S., 1898-1960
PAN American round tables
UNITED States—Foreign relations—Latin America
CONFERENCES & conventions
LATIN America-Foreign relations-United States
Letter to Mrs. W.W. Dees, State Director General of the Pan American Round Tables from Alonso S. Perales. In the letter Alonso S. Perales thanks Mrs. W.W. Dees for the invitation to address the Pan American Convention on March 10th. The subject for his presentation is “The Good Neighbor Policy and Recent Development in the Western Hemisphere”.
Perales, Alonso S.
Content compilation of The Latino/Hispanic American Experience Leaders, Writers and Thinkers copyright 2012 by Arte Publico Historical Collections. All rights reserved.
Jan. 31, 1939.
Mrs. W.W. Dees,
State Director General
Pan American Round Tales,
P.O. Box 950,
McAllen, Texas.
My dear Mrs. Dees:
In reply to your letter of the 28th instant, I thank you very much for your kind invitation to address your worthy Organization in the afternoon of March 10th.
I shall consider it an honor and a privilege to address your Convention upon any phase of Pan Americanism th at you wish. However, if you will permit me to make a suggestion, I will state that the subject "The Good Neighbor Policy and Recent Developments in the Western Hemisphere" would be more interesting and appropriate at this time, in my humble judgment, than the topic: "The Proposed Association of American Nations". In developing my topic I would, of course, touch upon the Lima Conference and its accomplishments. "The Proposed Association of American Nations" would not be interesting, in my opinion, because it is a project that has been pending for several years. It was agai n presented for di scussion at the recent Lima Conference and, as we have seen, no action was taken to form such Association. Therefore, it would seem to me that the most opportune time to discuss and to press such a topic would be on the eve of another Pan American Conference or at least during the year preceding said Conference. To be perfectly frank with you, I could not muster enough enthusiasm to talk about "The Proposed Association of American Nations" at this time. To my mind it is a dead issue -- at least until the next Pan American Conference, which will be held four or five years hence. Will you kindly let me know, at your convenience, whether or not the topic I suggest is acceptable to your Organization?
Mrs. Perales joins me in sending you our kindest regards and best wishes,
Mrs. W.W. Dees,
State Director General
Pan American Round Tales,
P.O. Box 950,
McAllen, Texas.
My dear Mrs. Dees:
In reply to your letter of the 28th instant, I thank you very much for your kind invitation to address your worthy Organization in the afternoon of March 10th.
I shall consider it an honor and a privilege to address your Convention upon any phase of Pan Americanism th at you wish. However, if you will permit me to make a suggestion, I will state that the subject "The Good Neighbor Policy and Recent Developments in the Western Hemisphere" would be more interesting and appropriate at this time, in my humble judgment, than the topic: "The Proposed Association of American Nations". In developing my topic I would, of course, touch upon the Lima Conference and its accomplishments. "The Proposed Association of American Nations" would not be interesting, in my opinion, because it is a project that has been pending for several years. It was agai n presented for di scussion at the recent Lima Conference and, as we have seen, no action was taken to form such Association. Therefore, it would seem to me that the most opportune time to discuss and to press such a topic would be on the eve of another Pan American Conference or at least during the year preceding said Conference. To be perfectly frank with you, I could not muster enough enthusiasm to talk about "The Proposed Association of American Nations" at this time. To my mind it is a dead issue -- at least until the next Pan American Conference, which will be held four or five years hence. Will you kindly let me know, at your convenience, whether or not the topic I suggest is acceptable to your Organization?
Mrs. Perales joins me in sending you our kindest regards and best wishes,
Perales, Alonso S., “To Mrs. W.W. Dees, State Director General, Pan American Round Tables, From Alonso S. Perales, Jan. 31, 1939,” Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Digital Collections, accessed March 11, 2025,