The draft copy of the constitution for the United Latin American Citizens ca. 1929.
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The draft copy of the constitution for the United Latin American Citizens ca. 1929.
LEAGUE of United Latin American Citizens
PERALES, Alonso S., 1898-1960
A draft copy of the constitution for the United Latin Americans Citizens organization, later to become the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). ca. 1929
[Perales, Alonso S.]
Content compilation of The Latino/Hispanic American Experience Leaders, Writers and Thinkers copyright 2012 by Arte Publico Historical Collections. All rights reserved.
[Handwritten in header: Majority vote, underlined Quorum]
[Handwritten in corner: 1 original, 4 copies]
Article _[Typed: Centered]
[Handwritten: Name.] [Centered]
The name of this Organization is “United Latin American Citizens”. The headquarters thereof shall be determined at an annual Convention of delegates of [from] the local Councils who shall [and of members of] comprise the Supreme Council [Executive Board]. At said Convention only the duly accredited delegates and in case of a tie the President General, shall have the right to vote.
Article _ [Typed: Centered]
Of the Membership [Typed: Centered]
[Underlined: Section 1.] The membership of this Organization shall consist of American Citizens of Latin extraction.
[Underline: Section 2.] Persons desiring to join this Organization shall be governed by the tenor of the following application blank, which must be duly executed.
(Insert here the application blank) [Typed: Centered]
Article _ [Typed: Centered]
Of the Supreme Council [Typed: Centered]
[Handwritten: Indent] Section 1. The Supreme Council shall consist of two duly elected delegates from each Local Council who shall meet on the first Sunday of May of each year at the place hereinafter designated. At said annual Convention the [said] delegates shall by a majority of votes elect a President General and a Vice-President General.
A majority of the delegates shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. [Secretary General and a Treasurer General, in the manner hereinafter stipulated Quorum]
[Handwritten – Indent] [Underlined – Section 2.] The Supreme Council shall seek to further and [execute the objects aims and] and carry out the aims and purposes of this Organization, set forth in article 0 of this Constitution [Organization], and may legislate thereon, [any of such aims and purposes] and its resolutions and instructions [ordinances]shall be carried out [obeyed] by [all] the Local Councils of this Organization.
[Underlined – Section 3] The headquarters of this Organization shall be in the city where the President General resides.
[Underlined – Section 4.] The first annual Convention shall be held in [the] Corpus Christi, Texas, and thereafter at the place designated by said Convention. The other [Further] places of meeting shall be those [Section 5] designated by the respective [or responding] annual Conventions.
[Underlined – Section 5.] The President General shall call a Convention whenever he deems it advisable. He shall designate [designating] the date and the place thereof and shall serve due notice [stating giving orders] of said Convention and of the purpose [object] thereof by means of a personal letter and addressed to the Presidents of the local Councils [and of the Press.] The President General shall be in duty bound [be under obligation] to call a Convention at the request of two or more Local Councils, and in case he does not do so the Secretary General shall [be under obligation to] call said Convention. The same [which] shall be presided by the President [Vice] General or [of] the Vice-President General or, in their absence, by such persons as may be designated by the delegates to said Convention.
[Crossed out – Section 6.]
[Underlined – Section 6.] The Secretary and the Treasurer of the Local Council where the President General resides shall be Ex-Officio Secretary General and Ex-Officio Treasurer General respectively. The Ex-Officio Treasurer General [They shall furnish] shall furnish such bond [as may be required by the Supreme General and shall take such oath] as may be prescribed by the Supreme Council. These officers shall [word-?] [take an] oath of office as the [prescribed by the] Supreme Council may direct, and shall render separate written [their respective] reports of their labors at each Convention [meeting], either general or special. Said [which] reports shall be passed upon a committee appointed by [gy] the Supreme Council [Convention] for the purpose, and shall [which] then be submitted to [to the supreme council] to said Council [the Convention] for approval.
[Underlined – Section 7.] The Supreme Council is the supreme authority of this Organization for the purpose of legislating* and for any other matter of a general character affecting this Organization.
[Underlined – Section 8.] The President General shall appoint such committees as may [word ?] be necessary.
Article _ (Typed and Centered]
OF THE LOCAL COUNCILS [Typed and Centered]
Membership [Handwritten – Centered – Underlined]
[Underlined – Section 1.] Every [All] members shall be a citizen of the United States of America and shall have the right to speak [vote] and to vote upon any matters submitted to discussion or [in] vote by his resptive Council. He may transfer his membership from one Council to another whenever he sees fit [deems it desiress].
[Underlined – Section 2.] Membership may be active, passive or honorary.
[Underlined – Section 3.] No person holding a public office, either appointive [by appointment] or elective [election] shall be an active member, but he may be [a] passive or honorary.
[Underlined – Section 4.] Members of Local Councils shall have the right to attend the annual Conventions of this Organization, but only the duly accredited delegates shall the right to vote and to participate in the deliberations thereof.
[Underlined – Section 5.] Members of local Councils who are in [full] good standing shall be eligible for office in [the Supreme Council or as well as] their respective Local Councils and in the Supreme Council.
[Handwritten – illegible word/initials]
[Handwritten – Article – Underscore]
1. To develop within the members of our race the best, purest and most perfect type of a true and loyal citizen of the United States of American.
2. To eradicate from our body politic all intents and tendencies to establish discriminations among our fellow-citizens [citizens] on account of race, religion or social position as being contrary to the true spirit of Democracy, our Constitution and Laws.
3. To use all the legal means at our command to the end that [our] all citizens in our country may enjoy equal rights, the equal protection [word ?] laws of the land and equal opportunities and privileges.
4. The acquisition of the English language, which is the official language of our country, being necessary for the enjoyment of our right and privileges [purposes], we [wed] declare it to be the official language of this [thie] Organization, and we pledge ourselves to learn [it], speak and teach some to our children.
5. To define [defind] with absolute and unmistakable clearness [clarity] our unquestionable [indisputable] loyalty [luayalty] to the ideals, principles [principals] and citizenship of the United States of America.
6. To assume complete responsibility [responsiblilty] for the education of our children as to their rights and duties, language and customs of this [thsi] country; the lattar [latter] in so far as they may be good customs [are good].
7. We solemnly [solmoenely] declare once for all to maintain [once for all] a sincere and respectful reverence for our racial origin of which [and] we are proud [of it].
8. Secretly and openly [open] by all [mona] lawful means at our command, we shall [hsall] assist in the education and guidance of Mexican-Americans, and we shall protect and defend [devend] their lives and interests whenever necessary.
9. We shall destroy any attempt to create racial prejudices against our people, we shall oppose [protest against all] any infamous stigma which may cast upon them and we shall demand for them the respect prerogatives [pririoties] which the Constitution grants to us all.
10. Each of us [one] considers himself [ourselves] with equal responsibility in our Organization, to which we voluntarily swear subordination [subordiantion] and obedience.
[Crossed out 11.]
11. We shall create a fund for our mutual protection, for the defense [defence] of those of us who may be unjustly [Illegible – persuceted] and for the education.
12. This Organization is not a political club, but as citizens we shall participate in all [estar state] local, [Local] state and national political contests. However, in doing so we shall [weh s] ever bear in mind the general welfare of our people [peopll], and we [shall] disregard and abjure once for all any personal obligation [obligations] which is not in harmony [harmoney] with these [this] principles.
13. With our vote [voee] and influence we shall endeavor [endeavrr] to place in public office men who show by [buy] their deeds, [shall show] respect and consideration for our people.
14. We shall select [secelt] as our leaders those among [of] us who demonstrate, by their [thier] integrity and culture, that they are capable of guiding and directing us [,] properly.
15. We shall maintain publicity means for the diffusion [defussion] of these principles and for the expansion and consolidation of this Organization.
16. We shall pay out poll tax as well as that of members of our families [family] in order that we [word?] may enjoy our rights fully.
17. We [Wes] shall diffuse [deffuse] our ideals by means of the press, lectures and pamphlets [pham].
18. We shall oppose any radical and violent demonstration which may tend to create conflicts [confidenceflix] and disturb the peace and tranquility of our country.
19. We shall have mutual respect four our [the] religious principles [idea of each one of us] and we shall never refer to them in our Institutions [Organization].
20. We shall encourage the creation of educational institutions for Mexican-Americans and we shall lend our support to those already in existence [exististence].
21. We shall endeavor to secure [obtain] equal representation for our people in juries [juries] and in the [public] administration of [Government affairs - ?] generally.
22. We shall denounce every act of peonage and mistreatment as well as the employment of minor [our minorr] children [of under age -?].
23. We shall resist and attack energetically [anergirtic] all machinations tending to prevent our social and political unification.
24. We shall oppose [resist] any tendency to separate our child in in the [this] schools of this country.
25. We shall maintain statistics [estastics] which will guide our people with respect to working and living conditions and agricultural and commercial activities [activity] in the various parts of our country.
[Crossed out – 26.]
[Handwritten in corner: 1 original, 4 copies]
Article _[Typed: Centered]
[Handwritten: Name.] [Centered]
The name of this Organization is “United Latin American Citizens”. The headquarters thereof shall be determined at an annual Convention of delegates of [from] the local Councils who shall [and of members of] comprise the Supreme Council [Executive Board]. At said Convention only the duly accredited delegates and in case of a tie the President General, shall have the right to vote.
Article _ [Typed: Centered]
Of the Membership [Typed: Centered]
[Underlined: Section 1.] The membership of this Organization shall consist of American Citizens of Latin extraction.
[Underline: Section 2.] Persons desiring to join this Organization shall be governed by the tenor of the following application blank, which must be duly executed.
(Insert here the application blank) [Typed: Centered]
Article _ [Typed: Centered]
Of the Supreme Council [Typed: Centered]
[Handwritten: Indent] Section 1. The Supreme Council shall consist of two duly elected delegates from each Local Council who shall meet on the first Sunday of May of each year at the place hereinafter designated. At said annual Convention the [said] delegates shall by a majority of votes elect a President General and a Vice-President General.
A majority of the delegates shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. [Secretary General and a Treasurer General, in the manner hereinafter stipulated Quorum]
[Handwritten – Indent] [Underlined – Section 2.] The Supreme Council shall seek to further and [execute the objects aims and] and carry out the aims and purposes of this Organization, set forth in article 0 of this Constitution [Organization], and may legislate thereon, [any of such aims and purposes] and its resolutions and instructions [ordinances]shall be carried out [obeyed] by [all] the Local Councils of this Organization.
[Underlined – Section 3] The headquarters of this Organization shall be in the city where the President General resides.
[Underlined – Section 4.] The first annual Convention shall be held in [the] Corpus Christi, Texas, and thereafter at the place designated by said Convention. The other [Further] places of meeting shall be those [Section 5] designated by the respective [or responding] annual Conventions.
[Underlined – Section 5.] The President General shall call a Convention whenever he deems it advisable. He shall designate [designating] the date and the place thereof and shall serve due notice [stating giving orders] of said Convention and of the purpose [object] thereof by means of a personal letter and addressed to the Presidents of the local Councils [and of the Press.] The President General shall be in duty bound [be under obligation] to call a Convention at the request of two or more Local Councils, and in case he does not do so the Secretary General shall [be under obligation to] call said Convention. The same [which] shall be presided by the President [Vice] General or [of] the Vice-President General or, in their absence, by such persons as may be designated by the delegates to said Convention.
[Crossed out – Section 6.]
[Underlined – Section 6.] The Secretary and the Treasurer of the Local Council where the President General resides shall be Ex-Officio Secretary General and Ex-Officio Treasurer General respectively. The Ex-Officio Treasurer General [They shall furnish] shall furnish such bond [as may be required by the Supreme General and shall take such oath] as may be prescribed by the Supreme Council. These officers shall [word-?] [take an] oath of office as the [prescribed by the] Supreme Council may direct, and shall render separate written [their respective] reports of their labors at each Convention [meeting], either general or special. Said [which] reports shall be passed upon a committee appointed by [gy] the Supreme Council [Convention] for the purpose, and shall [which] then be submitted to [to the supreme council] to said Council [the Convention] for approval.
[Underlined – Section 7.] The Supreme Council is the supreme authority of this Organization for the purpose of legislating* and for any other matter of a general character affecting this Organization.
[Underlined – Section 8.] The President General shall appoint such committees as may [word ?] be necessary.
Article _ (Typed and Centered]
OF THE LOCAL COUNCILS [Typed and Centered]
Membership [Handwritten – Centered – Underlined]
[Underlined – Section 1.] Every [All] members shall be a citizen of the United States of America and shall have the right to speak [vote] and to vote upon any matters submitted to discussion or [in] vote by his resptive Council. He may transfer his membership from one Council to another whenever he sees fit [deems it desiress].
[Underlined – Section 2.] Membership may be active, passive or honorary.
[Underlined – Section 3.] No person holding a public office, either appointive [by appointment] or elective [election] shall be an active member, but he may be [a] passive or honorary.
[Underlined – Section 4.] Members of Local Councils shall have the right to attend the annual Conventions of this Organization, but only the duly accredited delegates shall the right to vote and to participate in the deliberations thereof.
[Underlined – Section 5.] Members of local Councils who are in [full] good standing shall be eligible for office in [the Supreme Council or as well as] their respective Local Councils and in the Supreme Council.
[Handwritten – illegible word/initials]
[Handwritten – Article – Underscore]
1. To develop within the members of our race the best, purest and most perfect type of a true and loyal citizen of the United States of American.
2. To eradicate from our body politic all intents and tendencies to establish discriminations among our fellow-citizens [citizens] on account of race, religion or social position as being contrary to the true spirit of Democracy, our Constitution and Laws.
3. To use all the legal means at our command to the end that [our] all citizens in our country may enjoy equal rights, the equal protection [word ?] laws of the land and equal opportunities and privileges.
4. The acquisition of the English language, which is the official language of our country, being necessary for the enjoyment of our right and privileges [purposes], we [wed] declare it to be the official language of this [thie] Organization, and we pledge ourselves to learn [it], speak and teach some to our children.
5. To define [defind] with absolute and unmistakable clearness [clarity] our unquestionable [indisputable] loyalty [luayalty] to the ideals, principles [principals] and citizenship of the United States of America.
6. To assume complete responsibility [responsiblilty] for the education of our children as to their rights and duties, language and customs of this [thsi] country; the lattar [latter] in so far as they may be good customs [are good].
7. We solemnly [solmoenely] declare once for all to maintain [once for all] a sincere and respectful reverence for our racial origin of which [and] we are proud [of it].
8. Secretly and openly [open] by all [mona] lawful means at our command, we shall [hsall] assist in the education and guidance of Mexican-Americans, and we shall protect and defend [devend] their lives and interests whenever necessary.
9. We shall destroy any attempt to create racial prejudices against our people, we shall oppose [protest against all] any infamous stigma which may cast upon them and we shall demand for them the respect prerogatives [pririoties] which the Constitution grants to us all.
10. Each of us [one] considers himself [ourselves] with equal responsibility in our Organization, to which we voluntarily swear subordination [subordiantion] and obedience.
[Crossed out 11.]
11. We shall create a fund for our mutual protection, for the defense [defence] of those of us who may be unjustly [Illegible – persuceted] and for the education.
12. This Organization is not a political club, but as citizens we shall participate in all [estar state] local, [Local] state and national political contests. However, in doing so we shall [weh s] ever bear in mind the general welfare of our people [peopll], and we [shall] disregard and abjure once for all any personal obligation [obligations] which is not in harmony [harmoney] with these [this] principles.
13. With our vote [voee] and influence we shall endeavor [endeavrr] to place in public office men who show by [buy] their deeds, [shall show] respect and consideration for our people.
14. We shall select [secelt] as our leaders those among [of] us who demonstrate, by their [thier] integrity and culture, that they are capable of guiding and directing us [,] properly.
15. We shall maintain publicity means for the diffusion [defussion] of these principles and for the expansion and consolidation of this Organization.
16. We shall pay out poll tax as well as that of members of our families [family] in order that we [word?] may enjoy our rights fully.
17. We [Wes] shall diffuse [deffuse] our ideals by means of the press, lectures and pamphlets [pham].
18. We shall oppose any radical and violent demonstration which may tend to create conflicts [confidenceflix] and disturb the peace and tranquility of our country.
19. We shall have mutual respect four our [the] religious principles [idea of each one of us] and we shall never refer to them in our Institutions [Organization].
20. We shall encourage the creation of educational institutions for Mexican-Americans and we shall lend our support to those already in existence [exististence].
21. We shall endeavor to secure [obtain] equal representation for our people in juries [juries] and in the [public] administration of [Government affairs - ?] generally.
22. We shall denounce every act of peonage and mistreatment as well as the employment of minor [our minorr] children [of under age -?].
23. We shall resist and attack energetically [anergirtic] all machinations tending to prevent our social and political unification.
24. We shall oppose [resist] any tendency to separate our child in in the [this] schools of this country.
25. We shall maintain statistics [estastics] which will guide our people with respect to working and living conditions and agricultural and commercial activities [activity] in the various parts of our country.
[Crossed out – 26.]
[Perales, Alonso S.], “The draft copy of the constitution for the United Latin American Citizens ca. 1929.,” Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Digital Collections, accessed March 8, 2025,