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Pulpillino "Great Commission" Through The Latin American Baptist Radio Program
The flyer gives a general overview of a Baptist radio program with the objective of spreading the Christian Gospel. The flyer includes several proposed locations to house the program and an outline of the United States and Mexico. -
Photograph of Reverend James L. Novarro and mayoral candidate Bob Lanier
Photograph of Reverend James L. Novarro and mayoral candidate Bob Lanier (Robert Clayton Lanier) at an election event. Lanier was a local Houston businessman and millionaire who ran on a platform of improving Houston. -
Photograph of James L. Novarro accepting the Crime Prevention Coalition award for El Sol
Photograph of Reverend James L. Novarro accepting the Crime Prevention Coalition award for his newspaper, El Sol. El Sol received the award due to its continued efforts toward reducing crime within the Hispanic community. -
KLVL Coverage Map
This map shows the range of KLVL, the radio station that aired La Hora Bautista [The Baptist Hour] Radio Program. The program extended as far south as Matagorda Island, Texas and as far east as Lake Charles, Lousiana. -
Facts and Figures about the Latin American Baptist Radio Program
This flyer gives important information about La Hora Bautista [The Baptist Hour] radio program. The program began its daily broadcast on December 1st,1950. At the time the flyer was created, the program was in range of 3,000,000 Spanish speakers with 3,000 daily listeners. -
An Important Clarification
Affidavit signed by Esther López indicating that she was coerced to slander Reverend James L. Novarro's character. López mentions three specific members of the congregation, but also states there are many people in Houston who want to destroy Reverend Novarro.Tags James L. Novarro -
A Look at the Reverend James L. Novarro
Article appearing in the1953 October/November issue of Texas Hispanic Magazine featuring a biography of James L. Novarro. This feature describes Novarro's life, his involvement with the Baptist Church and social justice movements, and how he gives back to the Houston community.Tags James L. Novarro