To Hon. Alonso S. Perales, Nicaraguan Consul General, From Mrs. W. W. Dees, State Director General, Pan American Round Tables, March 24, 1939
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To Hon. Alonso S. Perales, Nicaraguan Consul General, From Mrs. W. W. Dees, State Director General, Pan American Round Tables, March 24, 1939
PAN American round tables
CONFERENCES & conventions
PERALES, Alonso S., 1898-1960
Letter to Alonso S. Perales from Mrs. W. W. Dees State Director General of the Pan American Round Tables. Letter thanks Mr. Perales on his address of the “Good Neighbor Policy” and “Recent Developments in the Western Hemisphere during the Pan American Round Table Convention. She also states that his address did a great favor to the State organization, and the local Table.
Dees, W. W. Mrs.
Content compilation of The Latino/Hispanic American Experience Leaders, Writers and Thinkers copyright 2012 by Arte Publico Historical Collections. All rights reserved.
SAN Antonio (Tex.)
[LETTERHEAD - Center Page]
"One for All All for One"
Pan American Round Table -San Antonio, Texas [Round Seal]
Organized October 1916
State Director
Mrs. W. W. Dees
Box 950
McAllen, Texas
Mrs. J. H. Gregory
Corresponding Sec'ty
Mrs. A. F. Vannoy
Recording Sec'ty
Mrs. J. A. Hawkins
Mrs. L.B. Weed
Mrs. W. H. Moon
Mrs. R. D. Sundell
Brownsville, Texas
Mrs. Locke Purnell
Laredo, Texas
Mrs. J. C. Griswold
San Antonio, Texas
Miss Lillian Wester
Austin, Texas
Mrs. Stone J. Robinson
Dallas, Texas
Mrs. W.L. Brown
El Paso, Texas
March 24, 1939
Hon. Alonso S. Perales
Nicaraguan Consul General
San Antonio, Texas
May I ask you to please excuse this seeming negligence on my part to write you, which has been due to my own health and the illnessof my mother since our convention. Your letter with its words of praise for the work done by our local Round Table, is deeply appreciated by each of us. I can truthfully say I have never seen a group with a finer cooperative spirit, or one more loyal to its head officer - this makes me feel very humble and eager to do all in my power.
I was indeed sorry that I was not in the liv-ing room to say good-bye to you and Mrs. Perales when you left the reception at the home of Dr. Morris, and that I was not well enough to be out on the porch and in the garden, where most of you were, so that I could visit with each of you. It was a great disappointment to not have the strength to do what I wanted to do, still I was so thankful to be able to be out at all.
I sincerely thank you for the package of mag-azines and material on Nicaragua, as well as the news items in your letter regarding "my country", and feel sure I shall be able to get a number of interesting items from them for our meeting.
Most of all I want to again thank you for com-ing to us during Convention and giving us such a masterful address on the "Good Neighbor Policy and Recent Develop-ments in the Western Hemisphere". It was intensely inter-esting and enlightening. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the copy of the "highlights" which I have read and reread. My
husband was so sorry to have to leave before you finished your talk, but has enjoyed the "highlights" as has my mother. You certainly did us a great favor when you brought us this address, and the State organization, our local Table, and I feel that we are deeply indebted to you, and shall never be able to really express our most sincere and heart-felt thanks.
When you and Mrs. Perales are in the Valley again please come by to see us - we shall be delighted to see you and have the visit that we failed to have this last time. Mr. Dees joins me in kindest regards to you both.
Most sincerely,
Elisa L Dees [Handwritten - Signature]
(Mrs. W. W. Dees)
State Director General
Pan American Round Tables
P.S. -
I am having copies made of the "highlights" of your address and sending them with the minutes of the Convention to each Table in the state and Mexico City.
"One for All All for One"
Pan American Round Table -San Antonio, Texas [Round Seal]
Organized October 1916
State Director
Mrs. W. W. Dees
Box 950
McAllen, Texas
Mrs. J. H. Gregory
Corresponding Sec'ty
Mrs. A. F. Vannoy
Recording Sec'ty
Mrs. J. A. Hawkins
Mrs. L.B. Weed
Mrs. W. H. Moon
Mrs. R. D. Sundell
Brownsville, Texas
Mrs. Locke Purnell
Laredo, Texas
Mrs. J. C. Griswold
San Antonio, Texas
Miss Lillian Wester
Austin, Texas
Mrs. Stone J. Robinson
Dallas, Texas
Mrs. W.L. Brown
El Paso, Texas
March 24, 1939
Hon. Alonso S. Perales
Nicaraguan Consul General
San Antonio, Texas
May I ask you to please excuse this seeming negligence on my part to write you, which has been due to my own health and the illnessof my mother since our convention. Your letter with its words of praise for the work done by our local Round Table, is deeply appreciated by each of us. I can truthfully say I have never seen a group with a finer cooperative spirit, or one more loyal to its head officer - this makes me feel very humble and eager to do all in my power.
I was indeed sorry that I was not in the liv-ing room to say good-bye to you and Mrs. Perales when you left the reception at the home of Dr. Morris, and that I was not well enough to be out on the porch and in the garden, where most of you were, so that I could visit with each of you. It was a great disappointment to not have the strength to do what I wanted to do, still I was so thankful to be able to be out at all.
I sincerely thank you for the package of mag-azines and material on Nicaragua, as well as the news items in your letter regarding "my country", and feel sure I shall be able to get a number of interesting items from them for our meeting.
Most of all I want to again thank you for com-ing to us during Convention and giving us such a masterful address on the "Good Neighbor Policy and Recent Develop-ments in the Western Hemisphere". It was intensely inter-esting and enlightening. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the copy of the "highlights" which I have read and reread. My
husband was so sorry to have to leave before you finished your talk, but has enjoyed the "highlights" as has my mother. You certainly did us a great favor when you brought us this address, and the State organization, our local Table, and I feel that we are deeply indebted to you, and shall never be able to really express our most sincere and heart-felt thanks.
When you and Mrs. Perales are in the Valley again please come by to see us - we shall be delighted to see you and have the visit that we failed to have this last time. Mr. Dees joins me in kindest regards to you both.
Most sincerely,
Elisa L Dees [Handwritten - Signature]
(Mrs. W. W. Dees)
State Director General
Pan American Round Tables
P.S. -
I am having copies made of the "highlights" of your address and sending them with the minutes of the Convention to each Table in the state and Mexico City.
Dees, W. W. Mrs., “To Hon. Alonso S. Perales, Nicaraguan Consul General, From Mrs. W. W. Dees, State Director General, Pan American Round Tables, March 24, 1939,” Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Digital Collections, accessed March 12, 2025,