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To Alonso S. Perales, San Antonio, Texas, From [Illegible], Rosebud, Texas, July 6, 1941
Letter from [Illegible] to Alonso S. Perales regarding an instance in which the author was segregated in a clinic's waiting room and placed in the "colored" section along with Black patients. -
To [Alonso S. Perales] From Antonio B. Valdéz, October 15 de 1942
Letter from Antonio B. Valdéz to [Alonso S. Perales] listing the names of people who were discriminated against at Steak House restaurant because they were of Mexican descent. Additionally, Valdéz mentions the segregation that occurs in Robstown Hospital, run by by Dr. N.T Gibson. -
To Señor Lic. Alonso S. Perales, From D. Vargas, February 16, 1944
Letter from D. Vargas to Alonso S. Perales listing public establishments where people of Mexican descent are discriminated, including Palace Theatre, Hagans Barber Shop, Spur Barber Shop, Cayces Barber Shop, Johnsons Barber Shop, City Drug Co., Red Front Drug, and Nunnly Cafe. Additionally, Vargas mentions there is two dentists in the area that segregate patients of Mexican descent.