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Ilusiones de Franco.
Three political prisoners are in a small cell with a leaking ceiling. Their clothes are ragged and they look tired. In reference to a recent Franco's speech, the caption says "Twenty more years … He wants to kill any hope left."Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Instantánea gráfica de actualidad
Hitler is sitting on a throne of skulls and wears a Viking hat under a sun with a swastika on it. Two commanders of the SS are next to him. The footnote says, "The NEW ORDER 'Emperor' shows his true colors with his 'victorious' commanders.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
José Nieto Ruiz
In the first panel, Spanish refugee José Nieto Ruiz escapes Spain when Franco is about to cut his throat. A square bubble reads "Anti-Franco Militant." In the second panel, Nieto escapes Cuba when Castro is about to beat him to death. A square bubble reads "Anti-Castro Militant." In the third panel, Nieto Ruiz is relieved to be in the United States and shouts, “Freedom!!” However, in the fourth panel Uncle Sam apologizes with a brief “Sorry.. only Cubans.” In the firth panel, Nieto Ruiz is bewildered and says, “I am against Communism! I am against totalitarianism! I am a democrat! What can I do?Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Caricatura editorial -- Estados Unidos -- siglo XX; Culturas Antifascistas--Estados Unidos; Deportación -- Estados Unidos; Deportation -- United States; Editorial Cartoons -- United States -- 20th century; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Nieto Ruiz, José, 1935-; Nieto Ruiz, José, 1937-2023; Refugees -- 20th Century; Refugiados -- siglo XX; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
La despedida. The Farewell.
A woman embraces a militiaman. Her eyes are closed. -
La estatua ecuestre de Franco. Franco's equestrian statue.
Franco is holding a half moon, which symbolizes his Moorish Guard. Instead of a horse, he is sitting on a pile of donkey manure. The drawing was first published in Bombas de mano (1938) to illustrate a satirical poem mocking Franco.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
La Fuerza del Destino
The cartoon illustrates the essay "Russia and Peace." The caption reads "Standing on the shoulders of the traitor Francisco Franco, the totalitarian goes straight to the cliff."
Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
La Tribu Monárquica
The cartoon shows the supporters of monarchy - the conservative intellectuals, the Church, the Civil Guards, and the rural oligarchy.
The caption says, "The Tragic Foursome who Want the Restoration of the Monarchy in Spain." It is a reprint from the cartoon entitled "Former Caciques" published in Gamoneda's book Guerra al Fascismo (Mexico 1939)Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Maquina franquista de fabricar leyes
A member of Franco's regime pours ingredients provided by sixteen committees into a machine that dispatches laws with the titles "Injustice," "Stupidity," "Abominations," "Indecencies."Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Niña. Little Girl.
A little girl has been killed by Stukas' bombs and her body lies down next to a Spanish history book. The caption says "Eternal Scenes from people who suffer." -
Preocupación del soldado. The soldier's worries.
A big drawing of a militiaman in the background protects two little boys sitting at the front of the drawing. The caption says "The soldier's worries: the homeland and the family ... Let's help him."