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Viejo federal
An elderly federalist keeps watch to help the young militiamen in their fight against fascism. -
Un precursor de la antropofagia que vuelve.
Adolf Hitler is drawn as a prehistoric man eating human flesh. The leg he is eating is "imported from Barcelona." A river of blood runs to the forefront. -
Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas
An allegorical drawing of Spain haunted with Stuka planes, death, the plague, hunger, poverty, and cold weather. A front page of Frente Popular announces the fundraising for Spanish children. Packets with clothes, milk, supplies, toys, and medicines are piling up. -
Queipo de Llano is drawn as Hitler's parrot that victimizes Spaniards after drinking cognac and praying. -
Pola Liberdade
A militant man fights from a trench made by the people. -
No necesita comentario un crimen consumado.
Dibujo alegórico de Hitler ocupando Checoslovaquia. Está dibujado como un sátiro y ha sacrificado la paz y a Checoslovaquia en un altar de sacrificio cubierto por el Tratado de Munich. -
Mussolini is giving the Nazi salute dressed as an ancient Roman Emperor. And he is holding a Roman bundle. He is standing on the globe and on the people. -
La pregaria justa. Queiman, rouban e asesinan no teu nome!
A woman is on her knees praying to God. -
Gráfica antifascista
Un obispo bendice un soldado de la Guardia Mora de Franco. Está pisando una figura de Cristo en el crucifijo y se apoya en una bayoneta que se clava en la cara de Dios. La leyenda dice "En nombre de Jesus Nuestro Señor yo te bendigo". -
Eiqui queda un fusil
A dying militiaman offers his rifle to the people.