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Death to intelligence!. Muera la Inteligencia.
A man is standing on a banner that reads "Spanish Science 1961." The Falangist yoke and arrows with "Death to Intelligence" written on them are piercing his neck. -
Scientist and footballer. Científico y futbolista.
A scientist leaves the house using the back door and a folclórica opens the front door to a footballer. -
The United States of Europe. Los Estados Unidos Europeos.
A poor boy is at school. On the wall there is a crucifix and "¡Franco!" written three times. Two Civil Guards are watching him with their arms. On the window, European are sad to see this. The caption says, "The United States of Europe will never be a reality. Through the centuries, the old nations of Europe have formed their own personalities" (From General Franco's speech on December 31, 1956). -
Statues. Estatuas.
Three statues are standing together. One is a gorilla wearing an amulet, one is a donkey standing on its back legs and one is a pig sitting in a chair. -
The Humanities
A Civil Guard uses a captive and decapitated woman named The Humanities as hat hanger. -
Academics. Catedráticos.
Four academics are studying in their ivory towers. -
Fist and book. Puño y libro.
A fist blows a book closed and kills a student in between the pages of the book. -
Man and books. Hombre y libros.
Books imprison a writer or an academic. -
Death. Muerte.
A small Franco is sitting on an enormous death seat with the Falange yoke and arrows.