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Spanish Civil War refugees walk toward the French border. -
A painter is painting the Moroccan scenery. He has a Franco portrait on the wall. The caricature was reprinted on June 15, 1964. -
Foto de Francisco Huerta. Photo of Francisco Huerta
Francisco Huerta is acting in Ignacio Zugadi Garmendia's antifascist play "Hombres y Mujeres" at the Palm Garden stage in 1943. He is the fourth from left.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Antonio Ruiz Vilaplana
Portrait of Antonio Ruiz Vilaplana. -
La delegación española al congreso internacional de la juventud
Fotografía y artículo de Martínez Novella acerca la Delegación española al congreso internacional de la juventud. Contraportada.Tags Alejandro Bermúdez; Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Armando del Moral; Carmen Cordellat; Ceferino Lugo; Congreso mundial de la Juventud; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Félix Martí Ibáñez, Azcárate, Alfonso Daniel R. Castelao; G. Concepción de Gracia; Gregorio Garay; Harry Robinson; Hugo Fernández Artucia; jorge Millas; José Amarilla; José Robles; Josefina Rivera Torres; Julián Benedet; La Granadina; La Mora y Moyano de Córdoba; Luis Bermúdez; Marcos González; Margarita Robles; Margarita Robres; O. García Rivera; Pan-Hispanismo; Serafín Aliaga; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States; Teresa Pàmies; Workers Alliance of America -
Felicitación de Año Nuevo 1938
Felicitación del Año Nuevo en la "Página de la mujer" dedicada a las "mujeres de lucha" -
A Falangist is doing the Roman salute and wears a shirt with a big yoke-and-arrow emblem of the Falange on the left side. His stomach is big signifying his upper class, his feet are moving like a child, which implies his low cognitive capabilities.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
La Tribu Monárquica
The cartoon shows the supporters of monarchy - the conservative intellectuals, the Church, the Civil Guards, and the rural oligarchy.
The caption says, "The Tragic Foursome who Want the Restoration of the Monarchy in Spain." It is a reprint from the cartoon entitled "Former Caciques" published in Gamoneda's book Guerra al Fascismo (Mexico 1939)Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
868 Ejecutados
The illustration shows the executions of the pro-Republic soldiers in Spain. It illustrates an article about the news of 868 executions in Spain when Madrid fell to the Fascists.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Refugees are in French camps. Colonial troops are watching them. The illustration is accompanied by the text "United for the refugees," which explains the context of the image.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain -- 1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States