Letter to Alonso. S. Perales, from Mrs. Eloisa Galan that iterates the Del Rio Ration Board (Civil Service Department) need Spanish speaking clerks to assist those who do not speak English from nearby Spanish speaking communities. She states that there are people in the department who are "prejudice and narrow minded”. She requests Alonso S. Perales to contact Mr. Ben Foster, former United States Attorney at San Antonio to in turn contact C. Fenner Roth, District Administrative Officer of the OPA to provide Spanish speaking clerks. Mrs. Galan also references that Mexican American soldiers, fighting for the United States who are also being discriminated against, and how the Ration Board food clerks are treating the families of these soldiers “shabbily”. She believes that help from Badomer Puig, Commanding Office of the 458th and Mrs. Dignam of the Ration Board can help by employing wives of the Mexican American soldiers in the Telephone Office and the Ration Board.