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Queipo de Llano is drawn as Hitler's parrot that victimizes Spaniards after drinking cognac and praying. -
Gráfica antifascista
Un obispo bendice un soldado de la Guardia Mora de Franco. Está pisando una figura de Cristo en el crucifijo y se apoya en una bayoneta que se clava en la cara de Dios. La leyenda dice "En nombre de Jesus Nuestro Señor yo te bendigo". -
Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas
An allegorical drawing of Spain haunted with Stuka planes, death, the plague, hunger, poverty, and cold weather. A front page of Frente Popular announces the fundraising for Spanish children. Packets with clothes, milk, supplies, toys, and medicines are piling up. -
Dios en el Cielo y Hitler en la Tierra
Hitler is drawn as a monstrous king of Earth, which he keeps chained in his hand. He is surrounded by snakes, skulls, and symbols of death and war.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Grapich Art; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Entre Bastidores. Behind the Scenes.
A pair of Civil Guards hides the violent repression of Two Civil Guards pose for tourists while they are propping up a theatrical backdrop that includes flamenco dances, a bullfighter, and picturesque white stucco houses. The backdrop hides other Civil Guards hitting demonstrators who are asking for freedom for political prisoners, trade union freedom, and civil rights.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Globo terráqueo. Globe
An allegorical figure that represents the workers of the world reading a front-page headline “Guilty” about the Spanish sentence of three leaders of the underground workers union, the Alianza Sindical Obrera (ASO) in Spain.Tags Alianza Sindical Obrera; Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Calle, Francisco; Caricatura Editorial; Caricatura editorial -- Estados Unidos -- siglo XX; Cases, José; Criminal Justice---Spain; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; Editorial Cartoons -- United States -- 20th century; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Justicia Criminal—España; Labor Union Alliance; Pascual, Mariano; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Libertad Sindical; Freedom for Unions
Spaniards are demonstrating for their rights which results in imprisonment. This is compared to the rest of the world where workers, the government, and employers work together to protect workers' rights.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Caricatura editorial -- Estados Unidos -- siglo XX; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; Demonstrations -- Spain; Editorial Cartoons -- United States -- 20th century; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Freedom for Unions; Libertad sindical; Manifestaciones -- España; Political repression -- Spain; Represión Política -- España; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Turismo. Tourism.
There are two machines in a factory. The old machine is full of spiderwebs and has the pipes labeled with the words "commerce," "agriculture,"
"industry" and "farming." The new machine has pipes labeled with the words "tourism," and "foreign currency by emigrated workers." Money bills fall from the new machine to Franco's hands. He gives the money to a priest, a military man, and a civil guard. The caption reads, "It falls in their hands like rain of gold."Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States; Turism -
Prensa española. Spanish Press.
A Spaniard is reading a newspaper with a front-page headline that announces that Franco guarantees the freedom of the press. Meanwhile and with scissors from the E.F.E. new agency, Franco is clipping the published news.Tags Agencias de noticias; Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Freedom of the Press; Libertad de Prensa; News Agencies; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
El milagro económico. The Economic Miracle.
Franco is making a house of cards. The image is an idiomatic pun to the title of the cartoon.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; Economía -- España; Economy -- Spain; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States