Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Digital Collections

Some Places Where Mexicans are Discriminated Against in Texas Either by Denying them Service or by Segregating them from Anglo-Americans



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Some Places Where Mexicans are Discriminated Against in Texas Either by Denying them Service or by Segregating them from Anglo-Americans


BARS (Drinking Establishments) --Texas
CIVIL service ethics – United States
DISCRIMINATION against Mexican Americans
RACE discrimination in education
ETHNIC discrimination
HISPANIC Americans--education
MEXICAN Americans--Education
MEXICAN American Soldiers
MILITARY Personnel
RACE discrimination - public establishments
RACE discrimination - restaurants
SEGREGATION in education.
SHOP signs


A list compiled by Alonso S. Perales from affidavits of places where people of Mexican descent were denied service or segregated in Texas.


Perales, Alonso S.


Perales, Alonso S. Are We Good Neighbors? 1948. EBSCO Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 2




Content compilation of The Latino/Hispanic American Experience Leaders, Writers and Thinkers copyright 2012 by Arte Publico Historical Collections. All rights reserved.


Gauthereau, Lorena. "Are We Good Neighbors?: Mapping Discrimination Against Mexican Americans in 1940s Texas."










SAN Angelo (Tex.)
ROTAN (Tex.)
SPUR (Tex.)
SAN Antonio (Tex.)
CORPUS Christi (Tex.)
BRADY (Tex.)
WICHITA Falls (Tex.)
NEW Braunfels (Tex.)
WACO (Tex.)
EDNA (Tex.)
FORT Stockton (Tex.)
PECOS (Tex.)
RUNGE (Tex.)
BIG Spring (Tex.)
UNITED States--Texas--Colorado
HUTTO (Tex.)
ROUND Rock (Tex.)
FORT Worth (Tex.)
ELGIN (Tex.)
POST (Tex.)
SAN Marcos (Tex.)
ANSON (Tex.)
MASON (Tex.)
HONDO (Tex.)
OZONA (Tex.)
ALICE (Tex.)



[Header Begin - Underline] [Begin capitalization]

[Begin capitalization] [Illegible - SAN] ANGELO, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Texas Grill, N. Chadbourne St., owned by George Wylie. Curry Drug Store. Coney Island Sandwich Shop, 214 S. Chadbourne St. Wilson's Lunch, 125 N. Chadbourne St. Red Top Inn, 1302 N. Chadbourne St., proprietor: Ed Motl. Mexicans denied service.

[Begin capitalization] ROTAN, TEXAS. [Underlined] [End capitalization] City Barber Shop, Vittitow Barber Shop, Alton Parker Barber Shop. All these Barber Shops denied service to Sgt. Alexander Martinez [Word partially blackened out] Paratrooper Frank Velaz, Pct. William Gonzalez and about fifty [Illegible - soldiers] more. Mexicans are also denied service in restaurants and drug stores.

[Begin capitalization] FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Downtown Cafe, 323 East Main St. On March 7, 1944, the following members of the Armed Forces of the United States were denied service. They were told that they could not be served in the front of the Cafe, but they could be served in the kitchen. Jose Alvarez [Partial Illegible] Fuentes, Seaman Second Class, United States Nacy, Private Joe [Partical Illegible] D. Salas, A.S.N. 38557190, Company B, 65th Battalion, M.R.T.C., United States Army, Private Paul R. Ramos, A.S.N. 38557007, Company B, 65th Battalion, M.R.T.C., United States Army, and Seaman Juan Garcia, United States Navy.

[Begin capitalization] UVALDE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Dinette Restaurant. On April 8, 1944, Pfc. Cruz M. Rodriguez and Pvt. Lydia Rodriguez, both members of the United States Army, were denied service.

[Begin capitalization] LUBBOCK, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexican-American members of the Armed Forces of the United States, and [pe rsons - partial separation] of Mexican descent generally, have been denied service at the following business establishments: Ben's Care, 813 13th St. - 805 Broadway. Ben Kinard, proprietor. Brown's Drug Store, Cafe Department, Broadway Ave. Luby's Cafeteria, Broad-way Ave. Weis Motor Co., Texas Ave. Cammack Drug Co., Broadway Ave., Cafe Department. Jack-o-Lantern Cafe, 1220 Broadway Ave., F. W. Woolworth Co., Restaurant Department, Broadway Ave. Post Office Drug Store, Cafe Department, Avenue C. All Anglo-American Barber Shops. Mexicans are segregated from Anglo-Americans at the City Bus Station. Several hotels and apartment houses will not rent accommodations to Mexicans. Mexicans are denied the privilege of renting houses in certain sections of the city.

[Begin capitalization] SEAGRAVES, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service at all of the Anglo-American cafes, and are denied admission to the theatre.

[Begin capitalization] McCAMEY, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Club Cafe and three other Cafes. Mexicans are denied service. They are denied service also at the Anglo-American Barber Shops.

[Begin capitalization] SPRING, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service at the Cafes and are segregated from the Anglo-Americans at the theatres. At the U.S, Army Aviate Field there is a sign stating that any soldier who considers himself white shall not cross into the Mexican section of the city.

[Begin capitalization] SPUR, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Palace Theatre. Mexicans segregated from Anglo-Americans. Hagan's Barber Shop, Spur Barber Shop, Cayce's Barber Shop, Johnson's Barber Shop, City Drug Co., Red Front Drug. Mexicans are denied service. The City Drug Store denied Pvt. Pedro Hernandez of the U.S, Army, a drink of water in the heat of last summer. There are two dentists at Spur, Texas, who have separate chairs for Mexicans.

[Begin capitalization] SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Barber Shop owned by Gus Siebenniecker, on Cupple s Road. Mexicans are denied service. At Terrell Wells Swim-ming Pool owned by H.F, Sturmberg, Mexicans are denied admittance regardless of their social position. There are several other business places in the Count of Bexar where Mexicans are discrimin-ated against. Also, there are several residential districts where Mexicans, irrespective of their social position, are denied the privilege of residing.

[Begin capitalization] SNYDER, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service at restaurants and barber shops. A Mexican is not even permitted to have his shoes shined in an Anglo-American barber shop.


[Begin capitalization] SNYDER, TEXAS (Continued) [End capitalization] Dental services were denied to the mother of a U.S. soldier of Mexican descent by Dr. J.G. Hicks. A young lady came out and informed the patient that Dr. Hicks did not work for colored people.

[Begin capitalization] ROBSTOWN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Persons of Mexican descent denied service at the Steak House. At the Robstown Hospital owned by Dr. N.T, Gibson, persons of Mexican descent were denied admittance to a comfortably furnished waiting room intended for Anglo-Americans, and instead were required to wait in a poorly furnished waiting room intended for colored people. Two of the persons actually evicted from the Anglo-American waiting room and requested to go into the waiting room for colored people were Rev. Jesus Rios, Pastor of the Robstown Baptist Church, and his wife. Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American children: in the elementary schools of Robstown, Texas.

[Begin capitalization] BLUNTZER, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American children in the elementary school. The best building was assigned to the Anglo-American children while a filthy shack was assigned to the Mexican children.

[Begin capitalization] MIDLAND, TEXAS. [UNDERLINED] [End capitalization] Persons of Mexican descent are segregated from the Anglo-Americans and required to sit in a section upstairs, which is reserved for Negroes, at the [Illegible -Ycca], Ritz and Rex Theatres. Mexicans are denied service at restaurants. The Ritz Cafe even had a sign reading NO MEXICANS ALLOWED. Five soldiers of Mexican descent were denied service there merely because of the racial lineage.
The civilian police are very hard on persons of Mexican descent. The following incident reflects their attitude toward persons of Mexican extraction. One day an American soldier of Mexican descent was walking down the street with a girl of German descent, and a policeman called her and told her not to go around with Mexicans, that it was a disgrace for "White" people to go around with Mexicans.
Children of Mexican descent are segregated from Anglo-Amercian children in the elementary schools.
Persons of Mexican descent are not permitted to attend the Catholic Church when services are being held for Anglo-Americans. On Sunday, May 7, 1944, about 9:00 A.M., two Mexican boys were requested to leave Church. The usher informed them that that was a mass for "White" people only.

[Begin capitalization] MELVIN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Children of Mexican descent are segregated from the Anglo-American children in the elementary schools.
A Community Center and Library Building built by the National Youth Administration has been denied for the use of it for PTA meetings. Ladies of Mexican extraction have been denied the use of the restroom in said building.

[Begin capitalization] CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. [End capitalization] A Chancellor of the Mexican Consulate was charged 10¢ for a soft drink that was worth 5¢ at a Drive-In stand. When he inquired why he was told that because he was a Mexican Persons of Mexican descent have been discriminated against in several other business establishments. Also there is opposition on the part of Anglo-Americans to persons of Mexican descent residing in the districts intended for Anglo-American residents.
The City Council of Corpus Christi refused to pass an ordinance forbidding discrimination against Mexicans in local business establishments.

[Begin capitalization] NIXON, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Service is denied to Mexicans at the White Spot Cafe.

[Begin capitalization] O'DONNELL, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Persons of Mexican descent are denied service at the Middel S. Cafe.

[Begin capitalization] SEMINOLE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans denied service at the Chuck Wagon Caf [Missing the "e" and the period]

[Begin capitalization] HASKELL, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Service is denied to Mexicans at the Reid's Drug Store.

[Begin capitalization] BRADY, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Service denied Mexicans at the F.Y. Barbeque (Illegible - Pit] At the Brady Public Park there is asign reading: "This park is for Whites. Negroes and Mexicans keep out." Mexican children are segregated from Anglo-American scholl children in the elementary schools. Mexicans, including American soldiers of Mexican descent, are denied service at restaurants and drug stores. The "Waffle Shop" is another place where Mexicans are not served.

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[Begin capitalization] NEWGULF, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are refused service in public business establishments in Newgulf, Wharton, Boling and neighboring towns.

[Begin capitalization] LAMESA, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are refused service in public business establishments. Bill's Cafe and the Blue Bonnett Cafe are two of them

[Begin capitalization] [End capitalization] WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS. Domestic Egg [Slightly illegible -Plant], Inc., 1900 Bluff [Illegible - St.,] Wichita Laundry, 602 Austin St., Pond Laundry, 602 Ohio St. Wives and other relatives of United States soldiers of Mexican descent [Illegible - are] denied employment merely because they are of Mexican lineage.

[Begin capitalization] NEW BRAUNFELS, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Ivey Green Cafe. mexicans are denied service. [Illegible - Landa] Park. Mexicans are denied admittance. South Amer-cans have been segregated from Anglo-Americans. They have been [Illegible - told] “Those tables over there are for South Americans. These are for "White people only."

[Begin capitalization] WACO, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are placed together with Negroes in the County Jail of McClennan County, Texas.

[Begin capitalization] BOERNE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are segregated from the Anglo-Americans at the Cascade Theatre. Mexicans are denied admission to the Boerne Municipal Swimming Pool, which is owned by the City of Boerne.

[Begin capitalization] VICTORIA, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Hi-Way Cafe, S. Moody Owner: F.H. Jay. Omas Cafe, 211 S. Main St. Rips Cafe, Port Lavaca Highway. Baker's Place S. Main St. Round House Bar, 211 S. Cameron St. Mexicans are denied service. Service is also denied to American soldiers of Mexican des-cent.

[Begin capitalization] EDNA, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Dahlstrom Eats. Ed's Cafe. Cozy Cafe. Ronnels Cafe. Two other Cafes. Mexicans, including American soldiers of Mexican descent, are denied service.

[Begin capitalization] FORT STOCKTON, TEXAS. [End capitalization] The Pecos Theatre. Mexicans are not admitted to the first floor, only in the balcony. The Comanche Swim-ming Pool. Mexicans are not allowed to go into the Comanche Swimming Pool.

[Begin capitalization] PECOS, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service in Anglo-American Hotels, Cafes, Beer Parlos and recreational Centers. In the theatres they are placed together with the Negroes. In the Anglo-American stores Anglo-Americans are waited on first, even if the Mexicans arrived first.

[Begin capitalization] BALMORRHEA, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are not admitted to the Public Park Not even Boy Scouts of Mexican descent are admitted. Representative Borunda, of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, was denied service at a cafe.

[Begin capitalization] TAHOKA, TEXAS. [End capitalization] D. and F. Drugs - Luncheonette. Lee's Cafe. Owner: Lee Montadilen. Victory Cafe. Owner: Joe T. Mosley. There are other places besides these ones.

[Begin capitalization] SUGARLAND, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are mistreated by foremen in agricultural fields. Children are segregated in schools. Mexicans are placed together with the Negroes in the hospital.

[Begin capitalization] RUNGE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Manda's Cafe. Owner: Miss Groos. Mexicans are denied service.

[Begin capitalization] LULING, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Cottage Inn. Owner: Gus Terrell. Mexicans are served in the kitchen only. Hi-way Inn Cafe. Owner: T.A. Landrith; Mexicans are served here, but they are segregated from the Anglo-Americans. Frenchy's Sandwich Shop. Mexicans are denied service. J.R. Mackey Drug Co. Owner: C.R. Mackey. Mexicans are not served inside the establishment. Ice cream is sold to them, but they must [Misspelling – each] it outside. Mehner Drug Co. Owner: Geo. Mehner. Watkins Drugs Owner: Bill Watkins. Green Cross Pharmacy. Owner: Dr. Clay Nichols. Mexicans are denied service in these drug stores also, but ice cream is sold to them and they have to eat it outside. Southern Cafe. Mexicans are denied service. Dr. J.T. O'Banion. He segregates the Mexicans from the Anglo-Americans in his office.

[Begin capitalization] STRAWN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service at all Anglo-American barber shops, and they are segregated from the Anglo-Americans at the theatre.

[Begin capitalization] UVALDE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans, including American soldiers of Mexican descent, are denied service at all Anglo-American barber shops and at

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the following Anglo-American business establishments: Dinette Cafe. Newport. Owner: Mr. Midget. Shadowland Cafe and Beer Parlos, owner Robert Fullingwater. Walgreen's Drug Store, owners Spears Bros. Hangar Six Cafe. Palace Drug Store. Uvalde Candy Shoppe. Manhattan Cafe. Casey Jones Cafe and Beer Parlos, owner Casey [Illegible - Jones.] Casal Cave, owner Henry Casal.

[Begin capitalization] SINTON, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Dodson Cafe, owner Mr. Dodson. Steak House [Illegible - Cafe] Mexicans are denied service.

[Begin capitalization] BIG SPRING, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Pales Lunch Room, 104 Main St. Waffer Cafe, Quick Lunch, Main St. A. F. Lunch, 207 Main St. Clover Grill Cafe.

[Begin capitalization] COLEMAN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are seated with the Negroes at the theatres. The names of the theatres are Dixie, Gem and Howell. Ten Anglo-American restaurants are denying service to Mexicans.

[Begin capitalization] ROCK SPRINGS, TEXAS. [End capitalization] In the month of August, 1944, Luis [Parially illegible - Gonzales] Jr., of Rock springs, was denied service at Smith's Cafe. Several other [Spelling - A merican] soldiers of Mexican descent have been denied service also. One of them is Trinidad Perez. Both Perez and Gonzales were wearing the uniform of the United States Army at the time they [partially illegible - were] thus humiliated. Perez was wounded in action and is now discharged.

[Begin capitalization] SUDEN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Blondie Cafe, owner Blondie Puckett. On Oct. 7 1944, he refused service to two men of Mexican descent who had gone into the restaurant accompanied by an Anglo-American friend of theirs. The Anglo-American invited them to have a cup of coffee with him. When they went in the owner of the Cafe asked the Mexican men if they were Mexicans and whey they answered in the affirmative, he told them to get out.

[Begin capitalization] GERONIMO, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American [Misspelling – chidlren] in the public schools.

[Begin capitalization] SLATON, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service in several public business establishments.

[Begin capitalization] COLORADO, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service in several public business establishments.

[Begin capitalization] PEARLAND, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American children up to the seventh grade in the public schools of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas.

[Begin capitalization] CAMERON, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American children up to the seventh grade in the public schools of Cameron. Mexicans are segregated from the Anglo-Americans in the theatre. In clothing stores, Mexicans are not permitted to try on the clothes before they purchase same. Mexicans are denied service in several public business establishments.

[Begin capitalization] JUNCTION, TEXAS. [End capitalization] City Cafe, Manager John R, Kenard. Cozy Cafe, Manager Buddie Hunt. Mexicans are denied service.

[Begin capitalization] HUTTO, TEXAS. [End capitalization] There is a restaurant where Mexicans are denied service in the front part of the establishment. They are [Misspelling - todl] to go out and to the rear door of the place. That is where Negroes are served.

[Begin capitalization] ROUND ROCK, TEXAS. [End capitalization] There are two restaurants where Mexicans are denied service.

[Begin capitalization] FORT WORTH, TEXAS. [End capitalization] At a restaurant owned by M.A. Johnson, 114 E. Weatherford St., Fort Worth, Texas, Mexicans, including American soldiers of Mexican descent, are denied service. When asked why the said proprietor answers that he does not serve Mexicans and that he does not have time to explain any further.

[Begin capitalization] LOLITA, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American children in the public schools.

[Begin capitalization] MCALLEN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] W.E, Hester, owner of the Broadway Service Station, refuses to permit Mexicans to drink water sold at said station merely because they are Mexicans.

[Begin capitalization] PANDORA, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service in several public business establishments.

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[Begin capitalization] ROSEBUD, TEXAS: [End capitalization] At the public [Misspelling - hsopital] Mexicans are segregated from the Anglo-Americans and are placed together with the Negroes. To go into the hospital they have to go through a rear door that has a sign reading: "Entrance for Negroes and Mexicans." Mexicans are denied service at the Imperial Cafe. The [Illegible - owner] published an announce-ment in a local newspaper reading as follows: "Mexicans are not served at the Imperial Cafe. There is a dentist that segregates Mexicans from Anglo-Americans and does not permit the Mexicans to go through the same door that Anglo-Americans use. he wants Mexicans to go through a rear door into a room designated for negroes and seats Mexicans upon the chair used by Negros, and he charges Mexicans more for his services than he does Anglo-[Partial illegible - Americans].

[Begin capitalization] ELGIN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service in several business establishments. At cafes and restaurants they are told to go to the kitchen if they want to be served. American soldiers of Mexican des-cent are treated likewise. The Elgin Cafe and the McLellan Hotel refuse service to Mexicans.

[Begin capitalization] BASTROP, TEXAS. [End capitalization] There are several business establishments where Mexicans are not served. The owner of a cafe situated on Main Street very frankly stated: "We do not serve Mexicans." In some cafes Mexicans are served in the kitchen.

[Begin capitalization] MCQUEENEY, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are not permitted to visit Breeze Lake. They even refuse to sell them hamburgers at a stand there. American soldiers of Mexican descent have likewise been humiliated.

[Begin capitalization] NEWBRAUNFELS, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Marion Cafe, 180 San Antonio Avenue. Mexicans are denied service at this and other business establishments.

[Begin capitalization] POST, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Only one of the 5 Anglo-American restaurants serve Mexicans. the other four restaurants refuse to serve Mexicans and they have signs reading: "No Mexicans Served" and "No Mexicans Wanted.

[Begin capitalization] LOCKHART, TEXAS. [End capitalization] On July 4, 1941, a number of Mexicans attended a dance which was being held on one of the main streets of Lockhart. About 11:00 P.M. the orchestra announcer made, substantially, the following announcement: "I have been asked to make this announcement: that all Spanish people gathered here must leave the block, since this is an American celebration.

[Begin capitalization] GONZALES, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Four well dressed young men of Mexican descent were denied service at Michelson Cafe.

[Begin capitalization] FORT STOCKTON, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Private First Class L.A. Moreno, Troop A, Fifth Cavalry, Fort Bliss, Texas, was denied service at the Holly-wood Cafe at Fort Stockton, Texas. He was told that if he wanted something to eat, he would have to go around the back and into the kitchen.

[Begin capitalization] SAN MARCOS, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexican women are not permitted to use the rest room designated for Anglo-American women at the Court House in San Marcos, Texas. Mexicans are denied service in several restaurants and drug stores. Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American children in the public schools.

Anson, Texas. Sommer's Cafe. Mexicans are denied service.

[Begin capitalization] ROSCOE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service in every Anglo-American restaurant and barber shop.

[Begin capitalization] STERLING CITY, TEXAS. [End capitalization] There is a restaurant that refuses to serve Mexicans, [Partial Illegible - unless] they are willing to eat the food outside.

[Begin capitalization] LITTLEFIELD, TEXAS. [End capitalization] There is a soda fountain that refuses to sell to Mexicans, unless they are willing to eat the ice cream out-side.

[Begin capitalization] AUSTIN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are segregated from the Anglo-[Partially Illegible -American) patients at the Public Hospital. There are several residential districts where Mexicans, irrespective of their social position, are denied the privilege of residing.

[Begin capitalization] NATALIA, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Cox Place. Dick's Cafe, Owner W.R. Lay. Mexicans are denied service.

[Begin capitalization] GANADO, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Lee Konce Cafe, Macon Cafe. Mexicans are denied service in the dining room where Anglo-[Misspelling - Americansare] served. Mexicans are told to go into a room designed for Negroes.

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[Begin capitalization] GOLIAD, TEXAS. [End capitalization] There is a restaurant that denies service to Mexicans. One day a Mexican asked the [Illegible - proprietor] why he refused to serve Mexicans and in reply the proprietor [Illegible - got] out a pistol and told him to get out of the place.

[Begin capitalization] MASON, TEXAS. [End capitalization] King's Cafe. Service denied to Mexicans.

[Begin capitalization] CLEBURNE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are segregated from the Anglo-Amer-ican patients in every railroad company hospital. Mexicans are placed together with the Negro patients.

[Begin capitalization] HONDO, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are segregated from the Anglo-[Slightly Illegible - Americans] at the Ray Theatre. Mexicans are told that they cannot sit with the Anglo-Americans because Mexicans are not "Whites."

[Begin capitalization] HAPPY, TEXAS. [End capitalization] There is a restaurant that denies service to Mexicans.

[Begin capitalization] BORGER, TEXAS. [End capitalization] DeLuxe Barber Shop denies service to Mexicans.

[Begin capitalization] BEEVILLE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Gaun Rooming House. A war worker of Mexican descent was denied a room merely because he was of Mexican lineage. Three Anglo-American war workers went with the Mexican and applied for rooms at the same.time. The three Anglo-Americans got the room, but the Mexican did not.

[Begin capitalization] DEVINE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Gene's Grill, owner Mrs. Thelma Bohl. On August 14, 1943, two respectable Mexicans went in and sat at a table. An Anglo-American man was sitting at one end of said table. Just then the proprietress came to where the Mexicans were and said to them: "What you boys are doing sitting over here? Can't you boys see that a white man is drinking at this table? (Misspelling - Don(t) you know the difference between a white man and you all?"

[Begin capitalization] CALVERT, TEXAS. [End capitalization] The Robertson County War Price and Rationing Board has refused to issue gasoline coupons to a farmer of Mexican descent notwithstanding that he is entitled to them. The [Misspelling - complain-ant] says the reason he has been thus treated is that he is a Mexican.

[Begin capitalization] OZONA, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Hancock's Cafe. Ozona Drug Store, Ozona Hotel. Butler Cafe, Smith Drug Store. Mexicans denied service. Mexicans are segregated from the Anglo-Americans and placed with the Negroes at the Ozona Theatre. Mr. Alejos Lara, who has two sons in the U.S. Army and who were wounded in action, was denied service at the Ozona Drug Store. Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American children in the elementary and high schools of Ozona.

[Begin capitalization] ALICE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans are denied service in every Anglo-Amer-ican Barber Shop. Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American children in the elementary schools of Alice.

[Begin capitalization] ALPINE, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Mexicans, including American soldiers of Mexican descent, are segregated from the Anglo-Americans at the theatre and are placed together with the Negroes. The owner of a pool hall refuses to permit American soldiers and sailors of Mexican descent to play there.

[Begin capitalization] MARATHON, TEXAS. [End capitalization] A big "No Mexicans Allowed" sign was placed in front of a Cafe, and when the Mexican people protested, a bigger and better (?) sign was replaced it.

[Begin capitalization] HARLINGEN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] A group of High School students, some of them of German and Japanese extraction, went to a public swimming pool and although we are at war with Germany and Japan nothing was said about them, but even though Mexico is our ally, our boys of Mexican [Partially illegible - descent] were [Misspelling - encluded].

[Begin capitalization] POTEET, TEXAS. [End capitalization] At a 4th of July celebration on the public high way, a certain space was roped in "for white people to dance in" and the Mexicans present were told to go and dance elsewhere, as they were not welcome there.

[Begin capitalization] SEGUIN, TEXAS. [End capitalization] A [Misspelling - toop] of Boy Scouts of American of Mexican descent, carrying the national colors, were evicted from [Illegible - Stareke] Park (a municipal park0 because it is supposed to be "for whites only."

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[Begin capitalization] WHARTON, TEXAS. [End capitalization] Persons of Mexican descent are discriminated in several business establishments. Until [Illegible - this] Americans [Illegible - of] Mexican descent were not allowed to vote in [Illegible - Wharton] County.

Horton, Texas; Richmond, Texas; [Illegible - Matagorda], Texas; Brazoria, Texas; Bay City, Texas; Angleton, Texas; [Illegible - Stanton], Texas; Amarillo, Texas; Greenville, Texas; Jacksonville, Texas; Cleveland, Texas; Braunfield, Texas; Levelland, Texas; Shamrock, Texas. In all these towns, and cities, there are business establishments were Mexicans are denied service.

The Mexican children are segregated from the Anglo-American children in the public schools of nearly every town and city in Texas.

In nearly every town and city in Texas there are residential districts where Mexicans are not permitted to reside.

The purpose has been to keep the Mexican at arms length and to treat him as an inferior.

The same situation exists in the States of Arizona, Colorado, California and a part of New Mexico.

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Perales, Alonso S. , “Some Places Where Mexicans are Discriminated Against in Texas Either by Denying them Service or by Segregating them from Anglo-Americans,” Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Digital Collections, accessed March 7, 2025,