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La pregaria justa. Queiman, rouban e asesinan no teu nome!
A woman is on her knees praying to God. -
Announcement about the reprint of Spanish government propaganda during the Spanish Civil War. -
An Italian fascist in the Spanish Civil war dies but succeeds to burn books. The caption says "Queipo de Llano, the parrot of Sevilla, drawn by our comrade Couto." -
Queipo de Llano is drawn as Hitler's parrot that victimizes Spaniards after drinking cognac and praying. -
Gráfica antifascista
Un obispo bendice un soldado de la Guardia Mora de Franco. Está pisando una figura de Cristo en el crucifijo y se apoya en una bayoneta que se clava en la cara de Dios. La leyenda dice "En nombre de Jesus Nuestro Señor yo te bendigo". -
Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas
An allegorical drawing of Spain haunted with Stuka planes, death, the plague, hunger, poverty, and cold weather. A front page of Frente Popular announces the fundraising for Spanish children. Packets with clothes, milk, supplies, toys, and medicines are piling up. -
Dios en el Cielo y Hitler en la Tierra
Hitler is drawn as a monstrous king of Earth, which he keeps chained in his hand. He is surrounded by snakes, skulls, and symbols of death and war.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Grapich Art; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
A painter is painting the Moroccan scenery. He has a Franco portrait on the wall. The caricature was reprinted on June 15, 1964. -
One hand is writing and another hand stops it. Una mano está escribiendo y otra mano la para. -
Silla y guitarra.
A Civil War watches a stage with a chair and a guitar. The cartoon was reprinted on Dec. 12, 1960.