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Torture. Tortura.
A flashlight is shined on a Falangist that is hitting another man with a stick. -
Three Popes. Tres Papas.
Three Popes are in the cartoon: the first is covering his moth, the second is covering his eyes, the third is covering his ears. -
The United States of Europe. Los Estados Unidos Europeos.
A poor boy is at school. On the wall there is a crucifix and "¡Franco!" written three times. Two Civil Guards are watching him with their arms. On the window, European are sad to see this. The caption says, "The United States of Europe will never be a reality. Through the centuries, the old nations of Europe have formed their own personalities" (From General Franco's speech on December 31, 1956). -
The Imperial Eagle. El águila imperial.
An imperial eagle flies away with money bags in its talons and Franco cannot detain it. The caption reads, "The Imperial Eagle flies … to Switzerland." -
The Humanities
A Civil Guard uses a captive and decapitated woman named The Humanities as hat hanger. -
Tenemos dos hijos
A militiaman and his family fighting against fascism in Spain.Tags Anti-fascist Cultures -- United States; Caricatura Editorial; Culturas Antifascistas -- Estados Unidos; España Libre (New York, 1939-1977); Fascism -- Spain--1939-1975; Fascismo -- España -- 1939-1975; Grapich Art; Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas de los Estados Unidos de Norte América (SHC) -- United States -
Students' opinions. Opiniones de los estudiantes.
Franco is swinging his swords toward students' opinions about his regime. -
Statues. Estatuas.
Three statues are standing together. One is a gorilla wearing an amulet, one is a donkey standing on its back legs and one is a pig sitting in a chair. -
Statue of Liberty. Estatua de la libertad.
Franco is painting the Statue of Liberty. It looks surprised because it is dressed as a Spanish Civil Guard, with the Falange yoke and arrows, carrying a pistol and a sable - symbol of the Moor Guard. -
Stabilized. Estabilizado.
A prisoner with a ball and chain around his ankle, has a black eye and his fists clenched. The caption reads "This is if stabilized in Spain.