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To Señor Lic. Alonso S. Perales, From D. Vargas, February 16, 1944
Letter from D. Vargas to Alonso S. Perales listing public establishments where people of Mexican descent are discriminated, including Palace Theatre, Hagans Barber Shop, Spur Barber Shop, Cayces Barber Shop, Johnsons Barber Shop, City Drug Co., Red Front Drug, and Nunnly Cafe. Additionally, Vargas mentions there is two dentists in the area that segregate patients of Mexican descent. -
To Señor Lic. Alonso Perales, From Sr. Alejandro Jaramillo, February 16, 1944
Letter from Alejandro Jaramillo to Alonso S. Perales informing him that in Coleman, Texas, the only establishments that serve people of Mexican descent are Victory Cafe, Fatty's Hamburger Stand, and a billiards hall. Additionally, Jaramillo mentions that students of Mexican descent are sent exclusively to a segregated school. -
To Señor Alonso S. Perales From Eduardo Cazares, 15 Julio - 41
Letter to Alonso S. Perales from Eduardo Cazares, which recounts the discrimination faced by Cleto Champion, two others, and himself at the Broadway Service Station in McAllen, Texas. They were not allowed to drink water at the gas station because of their ethnicity. -
To Robert K. Carr, President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, From [Carlos E. Castañeda], Professor of History, May 9, 1947.
Letter to Robert K. Carr regarding the employment discrimination suffered by Mexican Americans. -
To Rev. James R. Cassidy, O.M.I, Chaplain, Catholic War Veterans, From Alonso S. Perales, March 7, 1947
Letter to Reverend James R. Cassidy O.M.I Chaplain, Catholic War Veterans from Alonso S. Perales discussing the discrimination which had been taking place in the Rio Grande Valley. He encloses some opinions to help I Reverend Cassidy in convincing those who do not recognize Mexicans (us) as whites. Mr. Perales writes that he will published a book in English containing approximately 100 affidavits of concrete cases of discrimination. -
To Ramón V. Perez, From Victor V. Avina, Prisoner of War Camp, Hearne, Texas, October 22, 1944
Letter from Victor V. Avina to his brother Ramón V. Perez informing him of the discrimination he has faced by a commanding officer in his military camp for being of Mexican descent. Avina writes that the officer sent him to jail for greeting him casually and that he is awaiting trial. -
To President, From Alonso S. Perales, April 30, 1927.
A letter to the President from Alonso Perales regarding the slaying in Willacy County, Texas of Tomás Huñez, Mexican citizen, Ben[illegible] and José Nuñez, American citizens, Inocencio González, American citizen and Mat Zoler, Austrian citizen. The murders took place while in "custody of Willacy County officers" with no one being punished for the crime. Alonso Perales is requesting government assistance. -
To Presdient [Manuel Gonzales], From [Alonso S. Perales], May 4, 1931.
Letter to President [Manual Gonzales] from Alonso S. Perales regarding his activities for L.U.L.A.C. -
To Perales, From Martin G Gonzalez, February 16, 1946
Letter from Martin G. Gonzalez to Alonso S. Perales regarding the racial discrimination he has faced in Michigan as a farmworker in the beetroot industry. -
To Perales, From Manuel Ramírez Perez, February 13, 1944
Letter from Manuel Ramírez Pérez to Alonso S. Perales summarizing the instances in which he has been denied service for being Mexican.